वेब नसलेल्या फॉन्टमध्ये बनवलेले HTML दस्तऐवज वेब फॉन्टमध्ये रूपांतरित करण्यासाठी HTML कनवर्टर वापरा. हे साधन रूपांतरण करताना डेटामधील HTML टॅगची अखंडता राखते. ISM V6 मधील टूल्सद्वारे HTML कनव्हर्टरला विंडोज स्टार्ट मेनूमधून देखील प्रवेश करता येतो.

Follow the steps given below to use the HTML Converter.
Step 1 ▬ In Language, specify the language in which the data is created.
Step 2 ▬ Specify the conversion that you want to do in Conversion Format. The types of conversions supported are:
Monolingual to Monolingual Web
Converts existing Monolingual data to Monolingual Web data
Bilingual to Bilingual Web
Converts existing Bilingual data to Bilingual Web data
Bilingual Web (old) to Bilingual Web (new)
Revisions have been made in Bilingual Web fonts to make them cater to the wide range of applications. Bilingual Web data created using an older version of ISM may look junk when viewed with a newer version of ISM or with a newer version of Bilingual Web font applied. The Bilingual Web (old) to Bilingual Web (new) data conversion has been provided to allow you to convert existing older Bilingual Web data to the new format.
Bi Web to Unicode
Converts existing Bilingual web data into Unicode data.

Step 3 ▬ Click on Open button to open the html document that you want to convert.
Step 4 ▬ Click on Convert button. A File Save As dialog will be displayed. Specify the name and path of the converted file. The utility will convert the data and save it in the file specified by you in the File Save As dialog.
This utility is useful for small content developed in wrong font type. The tool may not handle complex HTML pages which are not generated as plain HTML from MS-Word.