How to use ISM V6 Converter?

This utility can be used to convert data between various formats as follows:


This converter facilitates data conversion between ISFOC, ISCII and Unicode Font Type  and vice versa.

Custom Convert

This converter facilitates conversion of data from a third party format to ISFOC format.

More Convert

This facilitates the following conversion of data:

  • Tamil 99 or KGP formats to ISFOC format.
  • ISFOC format to Tamil 99 format.
  • Old Bilingual Web to New Bilingual Web.

Conversion is done word by word. Thus a word with multiple font types is not a valid candidate for conversion.

Conversion will not take place in following cases:

  •  English data in Bilingual/Bilingual Web to Monolingual/Monolingual Web.

How to use Converter?

The Converter utility can be accessed from Converter button on the ISM user interface.

The user interface of the Converter utility is shown below:

ISFOC Convert

Text Conversion

Step 1 ▬ Choose Text in Conversion Type on the ISM Convert user interface.

Step 2 ▬ Specify the language you want to work with, in Language.

Step 3 ▬ Specify the format of input text in Input Format.

Step 4 ▬ Enter the text you want to convert in Input Text.

Step 5 ▬ Specify the format of the converted text in Output Format.

Step 6 ▬ Click on Convert to view the converted text in Output Text.

Given below is a screen shot of Bilingual Devanagari text converted to Monolingual Web.

NOTE ▬ Use an ISCII compatible editor to view text converted to ISCII.

File Conversion

Step 1 ▬ Choose File in Conversion Type on the ISM Convert user interface.

NOTE ▬ Only .txt files can be converted using this tool.

Step 2 ▬ Specify the language you want to work with, in Language.

Step 3 ▬ In Input Format, specify the data format of input file.

Step 4 ▬ Click on Open to specify the file for conversion.

Step 5 ▬ Click on Save to specify the name and path of the converted file.

Step 6 ▬ Specify the format of the converted file in Output Format.

Step 7 ▬ Click on Convert to convert the file.

Given below is a screen shot of a Monolingual Devanagari file converted to Monolingual Web.

NOTE ▬ Conversion is supported for files in txt format.

Custom Convert

The Custom Convert page allows you to convert data in third party format to ISFOC/ISCII formats.

The steps for using Custom Convert are the same as ISFOC convert.

More Convert

The user interface of More Convert is shown below:

The basic steps for converting data are same as described in ISFOC Convert.

Following is a description of additional fields on this user interface.

Web convert

Facilitates conversion from old web format to new web format.


Facilitates conversion of data between ISFOC format to Tamil99 / KGP Standards and vice versa.

NOTE ▬ If you are using a UNICODE enabled system then the title of this application will be UniConverter.

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